Secondary School

We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.


A place to learn and grow together

Our school believes that every child deserves a good education. We have a team of caring and skilled teachers who work hard to make learning fun and meaningful.

 We offer a mix of academic subjects and activities that help students grow in many ways, preparing them for future success.

Why Shree Belahiya Secondary School?

Government School

Although, being a government operated school, we focus on nurturing every child's potential with a strong foundation of knowledge and values.


Our dedicated teachers are passionate about guiding and inspiring students. They create a supportive learning environment.


We prioritize personalized attention by admitting a limited number of students each year. .

Top Infrastructure

We boast top-notch infrastructure, providing students with modern classrooms, state-of-the-art facilities, and a conducive learning environment.

Furutre Oriented

We are future-oriented, preparing our students with the skills and knowledge they need for tomorrow's challenges

Financial Aid

Since we are government school, we offer financial aid to ensure that every child has access to quality education, regardless of their financial background.

At our school, we believe in the power of education to transform lives and build brighter futures. Our dedicated team is committed to nurturing each student's potential and fostering a love for learning. We are proud of our inclusive community where every child is valued and supported. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery, growth, and achievement. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and prepare our students for a successful future.

Bina Bhandari

Principal- Shree Belahiya Secondary School

Students in Total
Well Trained Teachers
Projects Done by Students
Competitions Won

At a Glance

Located in the heart of Belahiya, Nepal, Shree Belahiya Secondary School stands as a prominent government institution dedicated to providing quality education.

Established with a commitment to nurturing each student’s potential, our school maintains a limited student enrollment to ensure personalized attention and effective learning outcomes.

Because you deserve to shine.

Enroll for a new admission on or before Bhaisakh 2081.